Base and simple facts for robotics world

Robots are mechanical devices initiated by input agents such as sensing devices or converters and guided to operate by computer control circuits. The description of a robot may appear complicated, but the operation of the device is not. Robots, like people, receive information from their sensory systems, process them in their brains, and then carry out the requested action. Sensors provide information to the robots, using the CPU unit to work out the desired task. Before we know precisely how a robot works, what are the components?

What are the Components of a Robot?

The components of a robot are mainly divided into two categories: software and hardware. Let’s briefly look at each of them and how they work.


Robot software is mainly used to code robots to perform specific tasks automatically. Programming robots is complex, but several software systems have been developed to simplify robot programming. Here are some software examples.

1. AI (Artificial Intelligence)

For nearly as long as robots have existed, artificial intelligence (AI) has been around. However, there has lately been a growth in the number of software products specifically designed for AI with robots in particular application areas. Like other kinds of robot software, AI focuses on specific elements of these apps, for example, image analysis in agroecosystems, organizational data filtering in industrial settings, or organizing swarms of robotic systems in logistics.

2. Middleware

Middleware is the most common form of robot software, yet the most misunderstood (Robot Operating System). Robot middleware is a framework that allows you to run and manage complex robotic systems from just one integrated interface. As some may define it, middleware is the “software bond” that prevents robot builders from reinventing the wheel when designing a new robotic system. You may not use Middleware to control only one robot on a manufacturing line. However, when creating an automated system that includes components that coordinates several robots, consider using middleware to make the process easy and more accessible during the Research and development stage.

3. Simulators

Robot simulators come in a range of shapes and sizes. Some only enable simple 2D simulation of particular aspects of robotics, whereas others allow 3D simulation with intricate physics motors and reasonable environments. You could spend lots of time evaluating various available simulation packages to determine how they vary. Using a promotional video might not tell how simple a simulator is. Your best option would be to put it to the test yourself.

4. Offline Programming

The most popular software category is Offline programming software. It allows you to monitor and control your automated machine without being physically linked to it at that time. This implies you don’t have to start taking your robot out of service to program it. It reduces downtime, enhances the quality of your programming, and enables you to switch between production lines, among other advantages quickly. The offline programming industry is moderately fragmented, with packages frequently tied to specific robot brands. But then there’s offline programming software, which you can use with any model of the robot.


Robot Hardware consists of the body, motor, sensors, and energy.

1. Body

The sensors, motors, and bodies consist of the hardware of a robot. The application field and type of robot will determine the body’s shape. Wheeled robots, humanoid robots, arms-only robots, legs-only robots are examples of robot bodies. The body is often made of plastic, metal, or another material (like carbon fiber) that protects the robot’s interior. A crucial aspect of protection material is modifying the electric motor and energy usage for every extra gram added.

2. Motor

Motors propel the robot and its components. Rotational motors, bi-directional move motors, vibrating disks, and pumps are just a few motors used in robotics. If a robot’s body is complicated, you must synchronize several motors. Synchronization of motors is done on a micro-scale. This means the motor system is pre-set for specific actions, such as taking a step forward with the right foot or lifting the left arm. A tailored sequence of these pre-set tasks is done when the robot is undertaking complex tasks. The robot will move from A to B or take an object and move it to the target location.

3. Sensors

Sensors collect information about the surroundings, which is then digested by the computer to recognize the environment and take appropriate actions.  Examples of sensors that you can build into robots are position sensors, pressure sensors, location sensors, microphones, speed sensors, cameras, humidity meters, tactile sensors, thermometers, to mention but a few.

4. Energy

The robot requires energy, without which it cannot move or think, which also translates to running codes on the computer. The energy source is mostly electricity, which comes from an electricity system via wires, solar power, or a built-in battery. Gas is sometimes used to power robots. The robot’s purpose will determine the energy option you will use to power it.

How Can Robots be Beneficial to Your Organization?

Robots can benefit us in remarkable ways. Some of them include but are not limited to

1. Speed

Robots have the potential to outperform humans in terms of efficiency. They can work all day, day after day, without losing effectiveness or consistency. Robots do not have to deal with stress and delays due to poor health. They don’t need vacations and don’t need to be told what to do repeatedly. This can assist employees in automating tasks that do not require immediate attention.

2. Consistency

Robots can systematically undertake tasks. Different robots can collaborate to ensure that workflows smoothly and on time. There are no delays in any machines, which will halt the work. It can assist a workplace in completing time-sensitive tasks more quickly and efficiently.

3. Positivity

Employees frequently experience boredom and doubt about their value to the company due to a repetitive task that provides a slight educational advantage. Automation will free up their time to pursue other projects that are less likely to aggravate them due to repetition. They will be both relaxed and excited, creating positivity in the workplace.

4. Perfection

Robots can maintain quality standards from start to finish of production. They are designed for accurate and repetitive movement.  It can also be a worker and a quality management system. Some AI is even programmed to learn from their errors to improve data processing and product manufacturing.


Robots are intelligent and capable of collaborating with people to solve problems that seemed impossible to overcome in the past. People will have more time to work on other projects as work activities become automated over time. Robots can now bring benefits to the workplace. While they aid in the completion of complex tasks for people, they still necessitate the supervision of humans throughout the process. However, because of the benefits mentioned above, many businesses are interested in incorporating robotics into their workplace.

By Richard Kayode. Source: